Therapy Questions
The many questions we ask of ourselves and the beliefs that we hold of ourselves, can often remain with us way beyond the events that gave rise to them. When they stay with us it is not out of idle curiosity it is because it echoes the feeling of not wanting but of needing an answer. Counselling offers an opportunity to explore that need which often leads to, if not the ultimate answer, then a path to reconciliation.

"There is a crack in everything, that's how the light gets in."
Leonard Cohen
Who am I?
Why does he/she do that to me?
Why do I feel empty?
It never stops.
Am I so horrible?
I just can’t get out of bed.
Is this normal?
Why are people so cruel?
How can I stop doing...?
Why can’t I make friends?
Why do I feel so alone?
Why do I hate myself?
Do I exist?
Why can’t she/he leave me in peace?
What does he/she want from me?
Is there any hope?
I need to do something, anything.
What do they want of me?
Why do I keep comparing myself to others?
I wish I’d never been borne.
I keep going over things again and again.
How can I get through the day?
I thought he/she loved me.
I’m driving myself crazy.
What’s the point?

"We must not allow other people’s limited perceptions to define us."
Virginia Satir